Dato che, avendo la frangia, i capelli molto scuri e la pelle decisamente chiara, indossare maglioncini o magliette nere in generale mi rende praticamente uno zombie, ho optato per un trucco decisamente luminoso e colorato!
I prodotti che ho usato:
Make Up For Ever - Face & Body (fondotinta - clicca qui per la recensione)
Kryolan - Derma Color
Make Up For Ever - Cipria HD
Neve Cosmetics - Stregatto ES
Make Up For Ever - Aqua Cream #20 Intense Blue (come eyeliner - clicca qui per la recensione)
Fraulein38 Blush Palette (un rosa chiaro)
Benefit - Hoola (terra)
Kiko - Ultra Glossy Stilo #815 (rosa rododendro)
Essence - I love extreme Mascara
E le unghie!
Un blu molto scuro con dei glitterini :-)
Spero vi piaccia ^_^
All the cosmetics products showed in this blog were all bought by myself. I do not want to "sell a product" (which could be the blog itself or either other products): I want to write about one great passion of mine. I'm not affiliated with any individual company mentioned in my reviews. Even a society decides to let me test and review its goods all the facts will be mentioned in the posts under the voice "Disclaimer". Anyway, I reserve myself the right to write a totally unconditioned opinion. All reviews are strictly mine, flowed from my personal and professional experience.
Se hai domande o vuoi dirmi cosa ne pensi, lasciami un commento! ;-)